Scholar's Cafe: Walden University (EDU-8842,8844,8845)

Sunday, August 1, 2010


  1. I'm using different tools to explore, per Siemens etc. Please provide your feedback, good or indifferent..


  2. Hi sondra:
    I believe I saw a different map earlier today and was going to suggest where you had an overlap with "CCC" to incorporate "curatorial teaching," I think each of these components are crucial to successful outcomes to distant learning. What do you think, do you agree?

  3. Amy,

    You are correct! There is overlap in terms of categories. In some cases, dual functionality is an element of some. Thank you so much for your feedback.

  4. Hi Sondra,
    Good job on your graphic organizer. Under the term collaboration I see where you have listed "immersive environments" as a way to encourage collaboration. I'd like for you to elaborate on this because I am not familiar with what this entails. Thanks.

  5. Isn't it amazing how the various maps of learning and skills seem to overlap? I think in my own personal belief, this is a sign of how broad yet specific these categories truly are. Distant learning needs to be specific and very deliberate yet it covers a broad spectrum of learning styles and skills. Do you think this "overlap" is needed in Distance Education or is there a way we can pull out each category and use them independently?

  6. Neena,

    In terms of immersive environments, I'm specifically speaking about 3D Multi-User Virtual Environments such as Second Life. Collaboration is accomplished through the use of avatars which can participate in role plays, develop objects which can be shared, submit classroom assignments or attend lectures on other islands.

    A good paper to reference is "Collaboration Advantages of 3-D Virtual Immersive Environments," written by Karl M. Kapp, Ed.D., Professor of Instructional Technology at Bloomsburg University.

  7. Sondra: This goes back to our earlier discussion about these concepts being NOT mutually exclusive. However, as I studied your concept map/graphic organizer, I am curious- you have discussion forum under content not communications? I see a discussion forum very similar to a BLOG, so I wonder the rationale of putting them in different categories. Thanks for sharing the tool used to create your graphic.
